Step into Reading 2 : Barn Storm
궂은 날씨로 인해 동물들이 놀라면서 시작 되는 이야기 입니다~ 동물들이 날씨로 인해 밖에 있을 수가 없어서 사람 집으로 침입 하게 되요~~ 그리고 다음날 가족들은 밖으로 나와서 깜짝 놀라게 되죠~~ 동물들이 자기 집에 있으니~~ 하지만 동물과 사람들이 같이 살게 되는 훈훈한 이야기로 끝이나는 책 입니다~~ 개인적으로 유치원 초등학교 저학년생일때 이런 쉬울 책을 많이 읽어야 한다고 생각합니다. 그리고 그냥 눈으로만 읽는게 아니라 CD 듣고 소리내어 읽는 과정까지 필수구요~~ 그러면서 천천히 레벨 올려야 겠죠~~
This comical introduction to cause and effect is ideal for emergent readers, who look for cues in simple rhymed text and bright, bold art as they take their first steps toward reading independently.
When a twister hits the pond near Farmer Brown’s farm, some very odd things happen. The fish and frogs take flight. They land in some unlikely places?like the barn and the pigs’ trough?setting off an uproarious chain of events that affects the entire farm. Once the weather subsides and the farmer and his family emerge from the storm cellar, they encounter a whole new world, including some unexpected (and four-legged) tenants in their house!
Step into Reading is a complete literacy program with something for every child. The program offers five steps to reading success. Children can progress through the steps at their own speed, developing confidence in their reading, no matter what their grade. Every book’s step is printed on the cover and the spine. Each title contains a fun story and is filled with colorful art.